Predicate: formulation

Roleset id: formulation.01 , create, vncls:


        Arg0: creator
        Arg1: thing created
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: source
        Arg4: attribute, secondary predication

Example: autogen1

        OMB Director Richard Darman 's formulation that `` if it looks
        like a duck , walks like a duck and quacks like a duck , it 's a

        Arg0 : OMB Director Richard Darman 's
        Rel : formulation
        Arg1-PRD : that `` if it looks like a duck , walks like a duck and quacks like a duck , it 's a duck

Example: autogen2

        the budget formulation and execution process

        Arg1 : budget
        Rel : formulation
        ArgSupport : process