Predicate: exercise

Roleset id: exercise.01 , use, vncls:


        Arg0: user
        Arg1: thing used, thing exercised

Example: autogen1

        the exercise of the power they have given the Fed

        Rel : exercise
        Arg1 : of the power they have given the Fed

Example: autogen2

        the exercise of stock options

        Rel : exercise
        Arg1 : of stock options

Roleset id: exercise.02 , athletics, vncls: 41.1.1


        Arg0: athlete

Example: autogen1

        the most exercise we 'd had all morning

        Rel : exercise
        Arg0 : we
        ArgSupport : had

Example: autogen2

        they simply walk these days for exercise

        Arg0 : they
        ArgSupport : walk for
        Rel : exercise