Predicate: driving

Roleset id: driving.01 , drive a vehicle, vncls: 11.5-1


        Arg0: driver
        Arg1: vehicle or path

Example: autogen1

        a 20-year-old resident of Columbia , Mo. , who was charged with
        drunk driving ,

        Arg0 : a 20-year-old resident ---> who ---> *T*-4 ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : charged with
        ArgM-MNR : drunk
        Rel : driving

Example: autogen2

        drunk driving

        ArgM-MNR : drunk
        Rel : driving

Roleset id: driving.02 , cause to move or become, vncls: 11.5-1


        Arg0: driver
        Arg1: thing in motion
        Arg2: secondary predication on arg1

Example: autogen1

        the stock market has lost some powerful driving forces , namely
        earnings growth and the `` LBO sweepstakes '' -- buy-out fever
        that induced investors to bid up whole groups of stocks , such as
        media and airlines

        Arg1 : the stock market
        ArgSupport : lost forces
        Rel : driving
        Arg0 : forces

Example: autogen2

        today 's tougher drunk driving laws

        ArgM-MNR : drunk
        Rel : driving