Predicate: division

Roleset id: division.01 , partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: whole
        Arg2: theme

Example: autogen1

        the fledging luxury-car division of Toyota Motor Corp

        Arg2 : luxury-car
        Rel : division
        Arg1 : of Toyota Motor Corp

Example: autogen2

        guided-missile divisions

        Arg2 : guided-missile
        Rel : divisions

Roleset id: division.02 , separate, vncls: 23.1


        Arg0: entity causing separation
        Arg1: thing being divided
        Arg2: divided among/between, if separate from arg1

Example: autogen1

        old regional divisions in the Democratic majority

        Arg2 : regional
        Rel : divisions
        Arg1 : in the Democratic majority

Example: autogen2

        unhealed divisions among several competing agencies

        Rel : divisions
        Arg1 : among several competing agencies