Predicate: diversion

Roleset id: diversion.01 , cause to turn away, vncls:


        Arg0: cause
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: source
        Arg3: goal

Example: autogen1

        the mere diversion of funds from other parts of the economy and
        from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low-income -RRB- to the
        single-family home market

        ArgM-ADV : mere
        Rel : diversion
        Arg1 : of funds
        Arg2 : from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low-income -RRB-
        Arg3 : to the single-family home market

Example: autogen2

        Mr. Gorbachev badly needs a diversion from the serious economic
        problems and ethnic unrest he faces at home .

        Arg1 : Mr. Gorbachev
        ArgSupport : needs
        Arg0-REF : diversion
        Rel : diversion
        Arg2 : from the serious economic problems and ethnic unrest he faces at home