Predicate: disposition

Roleset id: disposition.01 , get rid of, vncls:


        Arg0: agent, entity getting rid of something
        Arg1: thing gotten rid of
        Arg2: instrument or manner, if separate from agent

Example: autogen1

        The company had a one-time charge of $ 14.8 million in the latest
        quarter covering the disposition of certain assets .

        Arg0 : a one-time charge of $ 14.8 million ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : covering
        Rel : disposition
        Arg1 : of certain assets

Example: autogen2

        disposition of assets

        Rel : disposition
        Arg1 : of assets

Roleset id: disposition.02 , be prepared, comport oneself, vncls:


        Arg1: one prepared, with a disposition
        Arg2: prepared for what, kind of disposition

Example: autogen1

        its disposition

        Arg1 : its
        Rel : disposition