Predicate: discounting

Roleset id: discounting.01 , reduce in price, vncls:


        Arg0: discounter
        Arg1: commodity
        Arg2: ext, amount of reduction
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point

Example: autogen1

        major rivals , Philip Morris Co. 's Miller Brewing unit and
        Adolph Coors Co. `` have been following a policy of continuous
        and deep discounting for at least the past 18 months '' on their
        premium brands , pricing their product as much as 25 cents a
        12-pack below Anheuser 's Budweiser label in many markets

        Arg0 : major rivals , Philip Morris Co. 's Miller Brewing unit and Adolph Coors Co.
        ArgSupport : following policy of
        ArgM-MNR : continuous and deep
        Rel : discounting
        Arg1 : *ICH*-1 ---> on their premium brands

Example: autogen2

        price discounting

        Arg1 : price
        Rel : discounting