Predicate: difference

Roleset id: difference.01 , disagree, argue, vncls: 36.1


        Arg0: first arguer
        Arg1: second arguer
        Arg2: topic

Example: autogen1

        no difference of opinion between -LRB- Chairman -RRB- Lord King
        and Sir Colin on any aspect of company policy

        ArgM-NEG : no
        Rel : difference
        Arg1 : of opinion
        Arg0 : between -LRB- Chairman -RRB- Lord King and Sir Colin
        Arg2 : on any aspect of company policy

Example: autogen2

        the difference in yield between an index of junk bonds and
        seven-year Treasury notes

        Rel : difference
        Arg2 : in yield
        Arg1 : between an index of junk bonds and seven-year Treasury notes

Roleset id: difference.02 , be different, vncls: 45.6


        Arg0: the thing that makes a difference
        Arg1: things that are different/merged arg1
        Arg2: ext or mnr, how different
        Arg3: seperated arg1

Example: autogen1

        time differences with Norway

        Arg1 : time
        Rel : differences
        Arg3 : with Norway

Example: autogen2

        5 . Make a lasting difference in the regulatory life of an
        American savings-and-loan association through the Foster
        Corporate Parents Plan .

        Arg0 : NIL
        ArgSupport : Make
        ArgM-MNR : lasting
        Rel : difference
        Arg1 : in the regulatory life of an American savings-and-loan association