Predicate: development

Roleset id: development.01 , come about, vncls: 48.1.1


        Arg1: non-intentional theme
        Arg2: thing developed

Example: autogen1

        the development of cancer and other problems in the daughters of
        women who took the drug

        Rel : development
        Arg1 : of cancer and other problems
        Arg2 : in the daughters of women who took the drug

Example: autogen2

        bearish developments

        Arg1 : bearish
        Rel : developments

Roleset id: development.02 , create, vncls: 26.1


        Arg0: creator
        Arg1: thing created
        Arg2: source
        Arg3: beneficiary
        Arg4: attribute, secondary predication

Example: autogen1

        they have 50 projects in development for Warner

        Arg0 : they
        ArgSupport : have
        Arg1 : 50 projects
        Rel : development
        Arg3 : for Warner

Example: autogen2

        its product development cycle

        Arg0 : its
        Arg1 : product
        Rel : development