Predicate: deal

Roleset id: deal.01 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified

Example: autogen1

        a great deal of thought

        Rel : deal
        Arg1 : of thought

Example: autogen2

        a good deal of legerdemain

        Rel : deal
        Arg1 : of legerdemain

Roleset id: deal.02 , a good deal, vncls:


        Arg0: buyer
        Arg1: proposition/thing deal gotten on
        Arg2: seller
        Arg3: value of deal

Example: autogen1

        And the administration 's deal with Congress gives several
        congressional committees the right to cut off even humanitarian
        aid next month , though the committees are likely to let aid
        continue until February .

        Arg0 : the administration 's
        Rel : deal
        Arg2 : with Congress
        Arg1 : gives several congressional committees the right to cut off even humanitarian aid next month , though the committees are likely to let aid continue until February

Example: autogen2

        another junk bond deal , $ 350 million of senior subordinated
        debentures by Continental Cablevision Inc. ,

        Arg1 : junk bond
        Rel : deal
        Arg3 : $ 350 million of senior subordinated debentures by Continental Cablevision Inc.