Predicate: dash

Roleset id: dash.01 , attribute/partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        hefty dashes of Americana

        Arg2 : hefty
        Rel : dashes
        Arg1 : of Americana

Example: autogen2

        At least it has a little dash .

        Arg1 : it
        ArgSupport : has
        Arg2 : little
        Rel : dash

Roleset id: dash.02 , run for a short distance, vncls: 51.3.2


        Arg0: runner
        Arg1: destination or path

Example: autogen1

        a short-lived dash to 1.87 marks by the end of November

        ArgM-TMP : short-lived
        Rel : dash
        Arg1 : to 1.87 marks