Predicate: custom

Roleset id: custom.01 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        It must be a local custom , I thought , stamping feet to welcome
        the team .

        Arg0 : local
        Rel : custom
        Arg1 : *ICH*-3 ---> stamping feet to welcome the team

Example: autogen2

        a few proud local customs

        Arg0 : local
        Rel : customs

Roleset id: custom.02 , adapt for a specific purpose/person, vncls:


        Arg0: adaptor, agent
        Arg1: thing customized
        Arg2: purpose/beneficiary/target

Example: autogen1

        The extrusion unit produces bare and painted custom extrusions
        for building products and construction industries .

        ArgSupport : produces extrusions
        Rel : custom
        Arg1 : extrusions
        Arg2 : for building products and construction industries