Predicate: coverage

Roleset id: coverage.01 , has responsibility for, handles, vncls: 9.8


        Arg0: coverer
        Arg1: thing covered
        Arg2: instrument, covered by

Example: autogen1

        government coverage of all interest costs while the student is in

        Arg0 : government
        Rel : coverage
        Arg1 : of all interest costs while the student is in school

Example: autogen2

        cash coverage of interest

        Arg2 : cash
        Rel : coverage
        Arg1 : of interest

Roleset id: coverage.02 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: beneficiary
        Arg4: danger

Example: autogen1

        # 20,000 , or about $ 32,000 , of insurance coverage on that

        Arg2 : # 20,000 , or about $ 32,000 ,
        Arg0 : insurance
        Rel : coverage
        Arg1 : on that syndicate

Example: autogen2

        it provides earthquake coverage to about 1,400 properties in the
        stricken area

        Arg0 : it
        ArgSupport : provides
        Arg4 : earthquake
        Rel : coverage
        Arg1 : to about 1,400 properties in the stricken area

Roleset id: coverage.03 , broadcast, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        its coverage of the company

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : coverage
        Arg1 : of the company

Example: autogen2

        news coverage

        Arg1 : news
        Rel : coverage