Predicate: course

Roleset id: course.01 , environment for thing/duration, vncls:


        Arg1: thing existing

Example: autogen1

        the course of the session

        Rel : course
        Arg1 : of the session

Example: autogen2

        a golf course

        Arg1 : golf
        Rel : course

Roleset id: course.02 , try to) make learn, vncls: 37.1-1


        Arg0: teacher
        Arg1: subject
        Arg2: student(s

Example: autogen1

        they will have passed courses in educational psychology and
        educational philosophy

        Arg2 : they
        ArgSupport : passed
        Rel : courses
        Arg1 : in educational psychology and educational philosophy

Example: autogen2

        a course in psychological operations

        Rel : course
        Arg1 : in psychological operations

Roleset id: course.03 , ability-with-agent/path, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: action

Example: autogen1

        could throw her off political course

        ArgSupport : throw
        Arg0 : her
        Arg1 : political
        Rel : course

Example: autogen2

        the course of socialism in Greece

        Rel : course
        Arg1 : of socialism