Predicate: contrast

Roleset id: contrast.01 , nom/discourse-connective-by-contrast/in-constrast, vncls: 22.2


        Arg0: entity making comparison
        Arg1: first item in comparison
        Arg2: second item in comparison

Example: autogen1

        This was in contrast with the society 's meeting last May , at
        the height of the controversy , when more than 1,500 scientists ,
        along with scores of reporters and TV crews , crowded into a Los
        Angeles hotel ballroom for a tumultuous special night session on
        the subject .

        Arg1 : This
        Rel : contrast
        Arg2 : with the society 's meeting last May , at the height of the controversy , when more than 1,500 scientists , along with scores of reporters and TV crews , crowded into a Los Angeles hotel ballroom for a tumultuous special night session on the subject

Example: autogen2

        By contrast , traditional buy-and-hold investors are unlikely to
        generate sudden price moves .

        Rel : contrast
        Arg2 : traditional buy-and-hold investors are unlikely to generate sudden price moves