Predicate: contraction

Roleset id: contraction.01 , get smaller, vncls: 45.4


        Arg1: thing getting smaller
        Arg2: ext
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point

Example: autogen1

        contractions of large muscle groups

        Rel : contractions
        Arg1 : of large muscle groups

Example: autogen2

        muscle contractions

        Arg1 : muscle
        Rel : contractions

Roleset id: contraction.02 , fall, vncls: 45.6


        Arg1: logical subject, patient, thing declining
        Arg2: ext, amount declined by
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point, end state of arg1
        ArgM: medium

Example: autogen1

        a `` major contraction ''

        ArgM-MNR : major
        Rel : contraction

Example: autogen2

        a 5 % contraction in foreign direct investment

        Arg2 : 5 %
        Rel : contraction
        Arg1 : in foreign direct investment