Predicate: contract

Roleset id: contract.01 , enter into a contract, vncls:


        Arg0: causer of contract
        Arg1: reason, purpose
        Arg2: contracted with
        Arg3: payment ammount

Example: autogen1

        Avco Corp. received an $ 11.8 million Army contract for
        helicopter engines .

        Arg0 : Avco Corp.
        ArgSupport : received
        Arg3 : $ 11.8 million
        Arg2 : Army
        Rel : contract
        Arg1 : for helicopter engines

Example: autogen2

        its contract with Boeing Co. to provide structural parts for
        Boeing 's 747 jetliners

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : contract
        Arg2 : with Boeing Co.
        Arg1-PRD : to provide structural parts for Boeing 's 747 jetliners