Predicate: conflict

Roleset id: conflict.01 , to come into conflict, be in opposition, vncls: 36.1


        Arg0: agentive clasher
        Arg1: entity clashed with
        Arg2: entity clashed over

Example: autogen1

        he was prepared to risk a policy conflict with the U.S. over an
        Egyptian plan to hold direct Israeli-Palestinian talks , which
        the premier 's Likud bloc opposes

        Arg0 : he ---> *-2
        ArgSupport : risk
        Rel : conflict
        Arg1 : with the U.S.
        Arg2 : over an Egyptian plan to hold direct Israeli-Palestinian talks , which the premier 's Likud bloc opposes

Example: autogen2

        profound cultural conflicts in American life between the `` smart
        set , '' whose spokesman was H.L. Mencken , and the religious
        fundamentalists , whom Mencken derided as benighted primitives

        ArgM-MNR : profound
        Rel : conflicts
        Arg2 : in American life
        Arg0 : between the `` smart set , '' whose spokesman was H.L. Mencken , and the religious fundamentalists , whom Mencken derided as benighted primitives