Predicate: concern

Roleset id: concern.01 , worry about, vncls: 31.1


        Arg0: causer of concern
        Arg1: worried entity
        Arg2: instrument

Example: autogen1

        U.S. regulators ' concern over a Goldsmith acquisition of Farmers

        Arg1 : U.S. regulators '
        Rel : concern
        Arg0 : over a Goldsmith acquisition of Farmers

Example: autogen2

        the concern for the Japanese

        Rel : concern
        Arg1 : for the Japanese

Roleset id: concern.02 , deal with, have to do with, vncls:


        Arg0: entity dealing with something
        Arg1: thing dealt with

Example: autogen1

        The rating concern

        Arg1 : rating
        Arg0 : concern
        Rel : concern

Example: autogen2

        the Australian concern

        ArgM-LOC : Australian
        Arg0 : concern
        Rel : concern