Predicate: commission

Roleset id: commission.01 , commit a crime, vncls:


        Arg0: criminal
        Arg1: crime

Example: autogen1

        the mere existence of the penalty deters many people from the
        commission of capital crimes

        ArgSupport : deters from
        Arg0 : many people
        Rel : commission
        Arg1 : of capital crimes

Roleset id: commission.02 , arg2-nominalization/arg1-nominalization, vncls:


        Arg0: granter, agent
        Arg1: task
        Arg2: recipient

Example: autogen1

        a state commission on economic reform

        Arg0 : state
        Arg2 : commission
        Rel : commission
        Arg1 : on economic reform

Example: autogen2

        the election commission

        Arg1 : election
        Arg2 : commission
        Rel : commission

Roleset id: commission.03 , asking price, vncls: 54.5


        Arg0: seller
        Arg1: asking price
        Arg2: buyer
        Arg3: commodity

Example: autogen1

        He confers big trading commissions on Wall Street firms .

        Arg2 : He
        ArgSupport : confers
        Arg1 : big
        Arg3 : trading
        Rel : commissions
        Arg0 : on Wall Street firms

Example: autogen2

        institutional brokerage commissions

        Arg0 : institutional
        Arg3 : brokerage
        Arg1-REF : commissions
        Rel : commissions