Predicate: combination

Roleset id: combination.01 , combine, mix, vncls: 22.1-1


        Arg0: agent, mixer
        Arg1: ingredient one
        Arg2: ingredient two
        Arg3: end product

Example: autogen1

        However , Monarch Capital Corp. of Springfield , Mass. , has
        developed a `` combination plan '' of annuity and insurance
        coverage that it says does not violate the new regulations and
        that allows policy loans without tax consequences .

        Arg0 : Monarch Capital Corp. of Springfield , Mass. ,
        ArgSupport : developed plan
        Rel : combination
        Arg3 : plan
        Arg1 : of annuity and insurance coverage

Example: autogen2

        The combination of solid loan growth with tight expense control

        Arg3-REF : combination
        Rel : combination
        Arg1 : of solid loan growth
        Arg2 : with tight expense control