Predicate: climb

Roleset id: climb.01 , intentional climber, vncls: 51.3.2


        Arg0: climber
        Arg1: thing climbed (clomb

Example: autogen1

        to make the spiral climb up 294 steps to the top of the
        800-year-old marble tower

        Arg0 : NIL
        ArgSupport : make
        ArgM-MNR : spiral
        Rel : climb
        Arg1 : up 294 steps

Example: autogen2

        this year 's market climb

        ArgM-TMP : this year 's
        Arg1 : market
        Rel : climb

Roleset id: climb.02 , non-intentional climber; cf rise, vncls: 47.7


        Arg1: climber
        Arg2: ext, amount risen
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point
        ArgM: medium

Example: autogen1

        its steady climb back to health

        Arg1 : its
        ArgM-MNR : steady
        Rel : climb
        Arg4 : back to health

Example: autogen2

        the climb in oil prices last month

        Rel : climb
        Arg1 : in oil prices
        ArgM-TMP : last month