Predicate: claim

Roleset id: claim.01 , assert, vncls:


        Arg0: asserterer
        Arg1: assertion

Example: autogen1

        the USFL 's claims that the NFL monopolized major league football

        Arg0 : the USFL 's
        Rel : claims
        Arg1 : that the NFL monopolized major league football

Example: autogen2

        the claim that it has n't infringed on Pharmacia 's patent

        Rel : claim
        Arg1 : that it has n't infringed on Pharmacia 's patent

Roleset id: claim.02 , seize, vncls:


        Arg0: claim staker
        Arg1: property claimed
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        his claim to that

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : claim
        Arg1 : to that

Example: autogen3

        a claim by the Philippines

        Rel : claim
        Arg0 : by the Philippines

Roleset id: claim.03 , court claim and tax deduction claim, vncls:


        Arg0: claimant
        Arg1: reason
        Arg2: defendant
        Arg3: award sought

Example: autogen1

        The Peruvian mineral concern 's $ 251 million claim stems from
        1988 jury award in a case stemming from the brothers ' alleged
        attempts to corner the 1979-80 silver market .

        Arg0 : The Peruvian mineral concern 's
        Arg3 : $ 251 million
        Rel : claim
        ArgSupport : stems
        Arg1 : from 1988 jury award in a case stemming from the brothers ' alleged attempts to corner the 1979-80 silver market

Example: autogen2

        Mr. Gaubert 's claim for the loss of his property

        Arg0 : Mr. Gaubert 's
        Arg3-REF : claim
        Rel : claim
        Arg1 : for the loss of his property