Predicate: check

Roleset id: check.01 , transfer, vncls: 13.1-1


        Arg0: giver
        Arg1: thing given
        Arg2: entity given to

Example: autogen1

        the couple sent it a check for $ 613 , along with a letter saying
        that was the charity 's `` share

        Arg0 : the couple
        ArgSupport : sent
        Arg2 : it
        Rel : check
        Arg1 : for $ 613

Example: autogen2

        Uncle Sam 's check

        Arg0 : Uncle Sam 's
        Arg1-REF : check
        Rel : check

Roleset id: check.02 , examine, vncls: 35.2


        Arg0: checker
        Arg1: thing checked
        Arg2: checked for

Example: autogen1

        United Airlines , a unit of UAL Corp. , should have been able to
        detect the cracks through maintenance checks

        Arg0 : United Airlines , a unit of UAL Corp. , ---> *-3
        ArgSupport : detect through
        Arg2 : the cracks
        Rel : checks

Example: autogen2

        a spot check of computer makers

        Rel : check
        Arg1 : of computer makers

Roleset id: check.03 , have power over, vncls:


        Arg0: controller
        Arg1: controlled
        Arg2: instrumental, controlled with

Example: autogen1

        to keep the dollar in check

        Arg0 : NIL
        ArgSupport : keep in
        Arg1 : the dollar
        Rel : check

Example: autogen2

        to keep inflation in check

        Arg0 : NIL
        ArgSupport : keep in
        Arg1 : inflation
        Rel : check