Predicate: champion

Roleset id: champion.01 , lend aid, credence to, vncls: 29.8


        Arg0: helper
        Arg1: person or project being supported

Example: autogen1

        its champion

        Arg1 : its
        Arg0 : champion
        Rel : champion

Example: autogen2

        a passionate champion of either cause

        ArgM-MNR : passionate
        Arg0 : champion
        Rel : champion
        Arg1 : of either cause

Roleset id: champion.02 , nomadjlike-expert, vncls:


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: domain

Example: autogen1

        several recent champions of the world according to us -LRB- as in
        U.S. -RRB-

        ArgM-TMP : recent
        Arg0 : champions
        Rel : champions
        Arg1 : of the world according to us -LRB- as in U.S. -RRB-

Example: autogen2

        no clear-cut champion of reform , that we know of , in the East
        German leadership

        ArgM-NEG : no
        ArgM-ADV : clear-cut
        Arg0 : champion
        Rel : champion
        Arg1 : of reform