Predicate: call

Roleset id: call.01 , summon, vncls: 13.5.1


        Arg0: caller
        Arg1: thing being summoned
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        those young men who chose to disobey their country 's call to
        arms during the Vietnam war and fled to Canada or some other
        sanctuary to avoid combat

        Arg1 : those young men ---> who ---> *T*-269 ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : disobey
        Arg0 : their country 's
        Rel : call
        Arg2 : to arms

Example: autogen2

        a telephone call to his office

        Rel : call
        Arg1 : to his office

Roleset id: call.02 , demand, vncls:


        Arg0: demander
        Arg1: thing being demanded

Example: autogen1

        the 49-nation group 's call for Pretoria to ease apartheid

        Arg0 : the 49-nation group 's
        Rel : call
        Arg1 : for Pretoria to ease apartheid

Example: autogen2

        calls to remake the markets

        Rel : calls
        Arg1 : to remake the markets

Roleset id: call.03 , visit, telephone, vncls:


        Arg0: caller
        Arg1: thing being visited, telephoned
        Arg2: purpose, attribute of arg1

Example: autogen1

        We got calls from big block houses asking us if we want to make
        bids on anything

        Arg1 : We
        ArgSupport : got
        Rel : calls
        Arg0 : from big block houses
        Arg2-PRD : asking us if we want to make bids on anything

Example: autogen2

        some phone calls to market makers in over-the-counter stocks

        Rel : calls
        Arg1 : to market makers in over-the-counter stocks