Predicate: break

Roleset id: break.01 , break, cause to not be whole, vncls: 23.2


        Arg0: breaker
        Arg1: thing broken
        Arg2: instrument
        Arg3: pieces

Example: autogen1

        his apparent break with his old mentor , Mr. Honecker

        Arg0 : his
        ArgM-ADV : apparent
        Rel : break
        Arg1 : with his old mentor , Mr. Honecker

Example: autogen2

        By making a break from tradition , Brooks Brothers is seeking a
        delicate balance .

        Arg0 : *-1 ---> Brooks Brothers
        ArgSupport : making
        Rel : break
        Arg1 : from tradition

Roleset id: break.02 , to suspend an action, to hesitate, vncls:


        Arg0: thing pausing, agent or action

Example: autogen1

        a break in the dollar 's long-term upward trend , a trend that
        began in January 1988

        Rel : break
        Arg0 : in the dollar 's long-term upward trend , a trend that began in January 1988

Example: autogen2

        a midweek break from their recent wild gyrations

        ArgM-TMP : midweek
        Rel : break
        Arg0 : from their recent wild gyrations

Roleset id: break.03 , go down incrementally, vncls: 45.4


        Arg0: causer of decline, agent
        Arg1: thing decreasing
        Arg2: amount decreased by, ext or mnr
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point

Example: autogen1

        the Treasury 's look at plans for giving new tax breaks on
        dividends and raising taxes on short-term trades by pension funds

        Arg0 : the Treasury 's ---> *
        ArgSupport : giving
        ArgM-TMP : new
        Arg1 : tax
        Rel : breaks

Example: autogen2

        tax breaks

        Arg1 : tax
        Rel : breaks