Predicate: blow

Roleset id: blow.01 , strike, vncls: 18.1


        Arg0: agent, hitter - animate only
        Arg1: thing hit
        Arg2: instrument, thing hit by or with

Example: autogen1

        a fourth-quarter blow to earnings from the California earthquake

        ArgM-TMP : fourth-quarter
        Rel : blow
        Arg1 : to earnings
        Arg0 : from the California earthquake

Example: autogen2

        yet another blow to a sport that its fans claim has been maligned
        unjustly for years

        Rel : blow
        Arg1 : to a sport that its fans claim has been maligned unjustly for years

Roleset id: blow.02 , strike a blow for humanity, vncls: 13.5.1


        Arg0: winner
        Arg1: thing won (contest or prize
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: loser, giver of prize
        Arg4: in-exchange-for

Example: autogen1

        The U.S. , therefore , has a historic opportunity both to strike
        a blow for human rights in Somalia and to undo the superpower
        flip-flop of the late 1970s on the Horn of Africa .

        Arg0 : The U.S. ---> *
        ArgSupport : strike
        Arg1 : blow
        Rel : blow
        Arg2 : for human rights

Example: autogen2

        a settlement that will strike a blow for his client

        Arg0 : a settlement ---> that ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : strike
        Arg1 : blow
        Rel : blow
        Arg2 : for his client