Predicate: blame

Roleset id: blame.01 , assign culpability, vncls:


        Arg0: blamer
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: recipient

Example: autogen1

        In an Oct. 10 editorial-page article , `` It 's the World Bank 's
        Turn to Adjust , '' Paul Craig Roberts lays most of the blame for
        what ails developing countries at the doorstep of the World Bank

        Arg0 : Paul Craig Roberts
        ArgSupport : lays most of
        Rel : blame
        Arg1 : for what ails developing countries
        Arg2 : at the doorstep of the World Bank

Example: autogen2

        papers either exonerating the Vatican bank from blame in the
        scandal , or showing that the bank , known as the Istituto per le
        Opere di Religione , channeled funds to East bloc groups such as
        Solidarity in Poland

        ArgSupport : exonerating from
        Arg2 : the Vatican bank
        Rel : blame
        Arg1 : in the scandal