Predicate: basis

Roleset id: basis.01 , justified by, vncls:


        Arg0: agent (rarely seen
        Arg1: decision
        Arg2: justification

Example: autogen1

        procedural bases on which this case will be appealed further

        Arg2 : procedural
        Rel : bases
        Arg1 : this case will be appealed further

Example: autogen2

        discrimination on the basis of sex and pregnancy

        Arg1 : discrimination
        Rel : basis
        Arg2 : of sex and pregnancy

Roleset id: basis.02 , hallmark, vncls:


        Arg0: relation holder
        Arg1: relation receptor

Example: autogen1

        basis for the gain

        Arg0 : basis
        Rel : basis
        Arg1 : for the gain