Predicate: appeal

Roleset id: appeal.01 , legal transaction, vncls:


        Arg0: appealer
        Arg1: decision disagreed with
        Arg2: appealed to

Example: autogen1

        Vermont 's appeal of that decision is pending before the U.S.
        Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan

        Arg0 : Vermont 's
        Rel : appeal
        Arg1 : of that decision
        ArgSupport : pending
        Arg2 : before the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan

Example: autogen2

        the broker 's appeal of the disciplinary measures

        Arg0 : the broker 's
        Rel : appeal
        Arg1 : of the disciplinary measures

Roleset id: appeal.02 , beg, vncls:


        Arg0: begger, appealer
        Arg1: begged/appealed for
        Arg2: appealed to, begged from

Example: autogen1

        Catholics had responded generously to an appeal last year to give
        more money after 1987 's record $ 63 million deficit

        Arg2 : Catholics
        ArgSupport : responded to
        Rel : appeal
        Arg1-PRD : *ICH*-1 ---> to give more money
        ArgM-TMP : last year

Example: autogen2

        a recent fund-raising appeal

        ArgM-TMP : recent
        Arg1 : fund-raising
        Rel : appeal

Roleset id: appeal.03 , be attractive, vncls: 31.4


        Arg0: appealing thing
        Arg1: entity attracted

Example: autogen1

        their repertoire and audience appeal

        Arg0 : their
        Arg1 : audience
        Rel : appeal

Example: autogen2

        the appeal of small business , he says , where investors often
        have a degree of influence

        Rel : appeal
        Arg0 : of small business , he says , where investors often have a degree of influence