Predicate: apology

Roleset id: apology.01 , be contrite, vncls:


        Arg0: apologist
        Arg1: apologize for
        Arg2: apologized to

Example: autogen1

        Mr. Peladeau has never made any apologies for publishing the
        tabloid , a brash mix of crime and sports .

        Arg0 : Mr. Peladeau
        ArgSupport : made
        Rel : apologies
        Arg1 : for publishing the tabloid , a brash mix of crime and sports

Example: autogen2

        But the new union leader makes no apologies for Pemex 's more
        outward-looking attitude .

        Arg0 : the new union leader
        ArgSupport : makes
        ArgM-NEG : no
        Rel : apologies
        Arg1 : for Pemex 's more outward-looking attitude