Predicate: admission

Roleset id: admission.01 , acknowledge truth, vncls: 29.5


        Arg0: admitter
        Arg1: truth
        Arg2: hearer

Example: autogen1

        any admission or denial of guilt by Mr. Holmes

        Rel : admission
        Arg1 : of guilt
        Arg0 : by Mr. Holmes

Example: autogen2

        Tony was four years older than most of his fellow cadets , and
        gained admission to the academy because his brother had falsified
        his birth certificate .

        Arg1 : Tony
        ArgSupport : gained
        Rel : admission
        Arg2 : to the academy

Roleset id: admission.02 , allow to enter, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: goal

Example: autogen1

        gaining them admission in the first category

        ArgSupport : gaining
        Arg1 : them
        Rel : admission
        Arg2 : in the first category

Example: autogen2

        it bids for new agreements , new loans and indeed admission to
        the civilized world

        Arg0 : it
        ArgSupport : bids for
        Rel : admission
        Arg2 : to the civilized world