Predicate: address

Roleset id: address.01 , put an address on an envelope, vncls: 25.3


        Arg0: caller
        Arg1: item being labelled
        Arg2: recipient

Example: autogen1

        the Dalai Lama 's first public address in the U.S.

        Arg0 : the Dalai Lama 's
        ArgM-TMP : first
        ArgM-MNR : public
        Rel : address
        ArgM-LOC : in the U.S.

Roleset id: address.02 , nomlike, vncls: 37.5


        Arg0: talker
        Arg1: subject
        Arg2: hearer

Example: autogen1

        In a foreign-policy address before the Soviet legislature , the
        foreign minister conceded that the radar station in Krasnoyarsk
        breached the superpower Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty and said it
        would be dismantled .

        Arg1 : foreign-policy
        Rel : address
        Arg2 : before the Soviet legislature
        Arg0 : the foreign minister

Example: autogen2

        an address on economic policy by John Major , the new Chancellor
        of the Exchequer

        Rel : address
        Arg1 : on economic policy
        Arg0 : by John Major , the new Chancellor of the Exchequer