Predicate: account

Roleset id: account.01 , business-or-bank-account, vncls:


        Arg0: client/owner
        Arg1: account-type
        Arg2: provider
        Arg3: product

Example: autogen1

        Procter & Gamble Co. , Cincinnati , awarded the ad accounts for
        its line of Professional Crisco vegetable shortening and oil
        products to Northlich , Stolley , LaWarre , Cincinnati

        Arg0 : Procter & Gamble Co. , Cincinnati ,
        ArgSupport : awarded
        Arg1 : ad
        Rel : accounts
        Arg3 : for its line of Professional Crisco vegetable shortening and oil products
        Arg2 : to Northlich , Stolley , LaWarre , Cincinnati

Example: autogen2

        Ferranti 's financial accounts

        Arg0 : Ferranti 's
        Arg1 : financial
        Rel : accounts

Roleset id: account.02 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        the Associated Press 's account of the Monday sequester order
        signed by President Bush

        Arg0 : the Associated Press 's
        Rel : account
        Arg1 : of the Monday sequester order signed by President Bush

Example: autogen2

        accounts of the events leading to the 190 point drop in New York
        stock prices on Oct. 13

        Rel : accounts
        Arg1 : of the events leading to the 190 point drop in New York stock prices on Oct. 13

Roleset id: account.03 , take-into-account, vncls:


        Arg0: accounter
        Arg1: thing accounted for, dealt with, explained
        Arg2: instrumental, accounted for with or by

Example: autogen1

        The CFTC may take those arguments into account by allowing
        exceptions to its restrictions .

        Arg0 : The CFTC
        ArgSupport : take into
        Arg1 : those arguments
        Rel : account
        Arg2 : by allowing exceptions to its restrictions

Example: autogen2

        to take account of quality improvements

        Arg0 : *
        ArgSupport : take
        Rel : account
        Arg1 : of quality improvements