Predicate: ugala

ugala: Created by Richa

Roleset id: ugala.01 , To blurt out/reveal something

ugala.01: Monotransitive


        Arg0: The one who blurts out/reveals something
        Arg1: The thing that is blurted out/revealed

Example: Monotransitive (To blurt out/reveal something)
        कसाब ने अनायास ही सच [उगल] [दिया]

        Arg0: कसाब ने (drel: k1)
        Argm-mnr: अनायास ही (drel: adv)
        Arg1: सच (drel: k2)
        Rel: [उगल] [दिया]

Roleset id: ugala.02 , To spit out/vomit something

ugala.02: Monotransitive


        Arg0: The one who spits out/vomits something
        Arg1: The thing that is spit out/vomitted

Example: Monotransitive (To spit out/vomit something)
        करीब पांच घंटे बाद अजगर ने बच्चे को पूरा [उगल] [दिया]

        Argm-tmp: करीब पांच घंटे बाद (drel: k7t)
        Arg0: अजगर ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: बच्चे को (drel: k2)
        Argm-mnr: पूरा (drel: adv)
        Rel: [उगल] [दिया]

Predicate: ugalawA

ugalawA: Created by Richa

Roleset id: ugala.03 , To cause someone to blurt out/reveal something

ugala.03: Causative


        Argc: The one who causes someone to blurt out/reveal something
        Arga: The one who blurts out/reveal something
        Arg1: The thing that is blurted out/revealed

Example: Causative (To cause someone to blurt out/reveal something)
        पुलिस ने तोते से उगलवाया उसके मालिक का नाम

        Argc: पुलिस ने (drel: pk1)
        Arga: तोते से (drel: mk1)
        Rel: उगलवाया
        Arg1: उसके मालिक का नाम