Predicate: sana

sana: Created by Richa

Roleset id: sana.01 , To be smeared with

sana.01: Intransitive (Unaccusative based on passivization, LV selection and prefective participle as reduced relative diagnostics)


        Arg1: The entity that gets smeared with something
        Arg3: The entity with which the other entity is smeared

Example: Intransitive_Unaccusative (To be smeared with)
        प्रसूता के रक्तस्राव से एम्बुलेंस का भीतरी हिस्सा खून से [सन] [गया]

        Argm-cau: प्रसूता के रक्तस्राव से (drel: rh)
        Arg1: म्बुलेंस का भीतरी हिस्सा (drel: k1)
        Arg3: खून से (drel: k3)
        Rel: [सन] [गया]