Predicate: paDa

paDa: created by Archna Bhatia

Roleset id: paDa.01 , to read

paDa.01: monotransitive


        Arg0: the reader
        Arg1: the thing read

Example: transitive

        मोहन ने किताब पढ़ी
        mohana ne kiwAba padZi

        Arg0: मोहन ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: किताब (drel: k2)
        Rel: पढ़ी

Roleset id: paDa.02 , to have to read

paDa.02: obligation (dative subject, infinitive verb)


        Arg0: the one obliged to read
        Arg1: the object to be read

Example: obligation construction

        आतिफ को किताब पढ़नी है
        AwiPZa ko kiwAba paDZanI hE

        Arg0: आतिफ को (drel: k1)
        Arg1: किताब (drel: k2)
        Rel: पढ़नी है

Predicate: paDA

paDA: created by Archna Bhatia

Roleset id: paDa.03 , to teach something (to someone)

paDa.03: ditransitive_sense 1


        generally the one taught is not explicitly mentioned, and is assumed to be "people"
        Arg0: the one who teaches
        Arg2: the one taught (generally "people" if not explicitly present)
        Arg1: the thing taught

Example: ditransitive_sense- to teach something to someone

        self created
        मैं तुम्हें इतिहास पढ़ाता था

        Arg0: मैं (drel: k1)
        Arg2: तुम्हें (drel: k4)
        Arg1: इतिहास (drel: k2)
        Rel: पढ़ाता था

Roleset id: paDa.04 , to help/have someone read

paDa.04: ditransitive_sense 2


        Arg0: the one who helps someone in reading
        Arg2: the one who is helped in reading
        Arg1: the object read

Example: ditransitive_sense-to help someone read

        self created
        मैंने मधुर को किताब पढ़ायी

        Arg0: मैंने (drel: k1)
        Arg2: मधुर को (drel: k4)
        Arg1: किताब (drel: k2)
        Rel: पढ़ायी

Predicate: paDavA

paDavA: created by Archna Bhatia

Roleset id: paDa.06 , to make someone read

paDa.06: causative


        Argc: the causer (the one who makes someone read)
        Arga: the causee (the one who is made to read)
        Arg1: the object read

Example: causative

        self created
        अध्यापक ने सीमा से किताब पढ़वाई

        Argc: अध्यापक ने (drel: pk1)
        Arga: सीमा से (drel: jk1)
        Arg1: किताब (drel: k2)
        Rel: पढ़वाई