Predicate: gadZa

gadZa: Created by Richa

Roleset id: gadZa.01 , To get pierced in/to be fixed in

gadZa.01: Intransitive (Unaccusative based on the passivization, LV selectiona and perfective participle as reduced relative diagnostics)


        Arg1: The entity that gets pierced in/ fixed in something
        Arg2-loc: The location where something gets pierced/ fixed

Example: Intransitive_Unaccusative (To get pierced in/to be fixed in)
        निकलते ही उसके पैर में कांटा [गड़] [गया]

        Argm-tmp: निकलते ही (drel: k7t)
        Arg2-loc-loc: उसके पैर में (drel: k2p)
        Arg1: कांटा (drel: k1)
        Rel: [गड़] [गया]

Predicate: gadZA

gadZA: Created by Richa

Roleset id: gadZa.02 , To pierce/to fix something somewhere

gadZa.02: Transitive


        Arg0: The one who pierces/ fixes something somewhere
        Arg1: The entity that gets pierced/fixed somewhere
        Arg2-loc: The location where something is pierced or fixed

Example: Transitive (To pierce/to fix something somewhere)
        उसने हाथी के मृत शरीर पर दांत गड़ाया

        Arg0: उसने (drel: k1)
        Arg2-loc: हाथी के मृत शरीर पर (drel: k2p)
        Arg1: दांत (drel: k2)
        Rel: गड़ाया