Predicate: cara

cara: Created by Richa

Roleset id: cara.01 , To graze something

cara.01: Monotransitive


        Arg0: The one who grazes something
        Arg1: The entity that is grazed upon

Example: Monotransitive (to graze something)
        गाएं भी वहीं आसपास चरती रहती थीं

        Arg0: गाएं भी (drel: k1)
        Argm-loc: वहीं (drel: k7p)
        Argm-loc: आसपास (drel: k7p)
        Rel: चरती रहती थीं

Predicate: carA

carA: Created by Richa

Roleset id: cara.02 , To make (animals) graze

cara.02: Transitive


        Arg0: The one who makes (animals) graze
        Arg1: The one that grazes

Example: Transitive (To make (animals) graze)
        वह हर रोज वहीं बकरियां [चराया] [करता] था

        Arg0: वह
        Argm-tmp: हर रोज
        Argm-loc: वहीं
        Arg1: बकरियां
        Rel: [चराया] [करता] था

Roleset id: cara.04 , To fool someone

cara.04: Monotransitive


        Arg0: The one who fools someone
        Arg1: The one who gets fooled

Example: Monotransitive (To fool someone)

        तुम मुझे नहीँ [चरा] [सकते]

        Arg0: तुम
        Arg1: मुझे
        Argm-neg: नहीँ
        Rel: [चरा] [सकते]

Predicate: carawA

carawA: Created by Richa

Roleset id: cara.05 , To make (animals) graze by someone

cara.05: Causative


        Argc: The one who makes someone graze the animals
        Arga: The one who make the animals graze
        Arg2: The one that grazes

Example: Causative (To make (animals) graze by someone)

        चरवाहा कल रामू से मालिक की बकरियाँ चरवा रहा था

        Argc: चरवाहा (drel: pk1)
        Argm-tmp: कल (drel: k7t)
        Arga: रामू से (drel: mk1)
        Arg2: मालिक की बकरियाँ (drel: jk1)
        Rel: चरवा रहा था