Predicate: victimize
Roleset id: victimize.01 , make into a victim, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
victimize.01: VICTIMIZE-V NOTES: Member of Vncls judgement-33. (from victimize.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
victimize (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: victimizer (vnrole: 33-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: victim (vnrole: 33-Theme)
        Arg2-CAU: grounds (vnrole: 33-Attribute)
Example: passive
        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: passive,  form: participle
        [Almost all of us in comparable circumstances]-1 might be victimized *trace*-1 in some way,'' says Jerald Jellison, a psychology professor at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
        Argm-mod: might
        Rel: victimized
        Arg1: *trace*
        Argm-mnr: in some way
Example: all args
        person: third,  tense: past,  aspect: perfect,  voice: active,  form: participle
        This enabled Lomborg to appeal the verdict, successfully, claiming that the Committee had victimized him for political reasons.
        Arg0: the Committee
        Rel: victimized
        Arg1: him
        Arg2: for political reasons