Predicate: underscore
Roleset id: underscore.01 , emphasize, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
underscore.01: UNDERSCORE-V NOTES: No Verbnet entry. Comparison with 'emphasize'. (from underscore.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
underscore (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: emphasizer
        Arg1-PPT: utterance
        Arg2-GOL: hearer (rare)
Example: active
        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full
        The results underscore Sears's difficulties in implementing the ``everyday low pricing'' strategy that it adopted in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business.
        Arg0: The results
        Rel: underscore
        Arg1: Sears's difficulties in implementing the ``everyday low pricing'' strategy that it adopted in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business
Example: passive
        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: passive,  form: participle
        [Saab's problems]-1 were underscored *trace*-1 Friday when the company announced that its car division had a 1.2 billion kronor ($186.1 million) loss during the first eight months of this year, slightly worse than Saab-Scania had forecast in its first-half report last month.
        Rel: underscored
        Arg1: *trace*
        Argm-tmp: Friday
        Argm-tmp: when the company announced that its car division had a 1.2 billion kronor ($186.1 million) loss during the first eight months of this year, slightly worse than Saab-Scania had forecast in its first-half report last month
Example: ARG2
        These treeless plant communities underscored to them how open their land used to be.
        Arg0: These treeless plant communities
        Rel: underscored
        Arg2: to them
        Arg1: how open their land used to be.