Predicate: unclear

Roleset id: unclear.01 , not apparent, obvious, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

unclear.01: UNCLEAR-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on medi-seedcorpus, relation to 'clarify.01, clear-j.01'. (from unclear.01-j)


unclear (j.)Obviousness


        Arg0-PAG: causer of lack of clarity, failing to make clear
        Arg1-PPT: what isn't clear, obvious
        Arg2-GOL: perceiver

Example: arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        It is unclear if this communicates with the vein or is a large lymph node .

        Rel: unclear
        Arg1: if this communicates with the vein or is a large lymph node

Roleset id: unclear.02 , obstructed in some way, murky, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

unclear.02: UNCLEAR-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-7. Relation to 'clear.02'. (from unclear.02-j)


unclear (j.)


        Arg1-LOC: thing that is obstructed, unclear
        Arg2-PPT: obstruction

Example: arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Under the influence of the alcohol , and with a hot head , he got into an Infiniti and drove away ; at that moment , his " mind was unclear . "

        Argm-tmp: at that moment
        Arg1: his mind
        Rel: unclear