Predicate: truck

Roleset id: truck.01 , drive a truck or carry via truck, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

truck.01: TRUCK-V NOTES: Frameset created by Jena. Member of Vncls drive-11.5-1. (from truck.01-v)


truck (v.)Bringing


        Arg0-PAG: driver (vnrole: 11.5-1-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: truck or load (vnrole: 11.5-1-Theme)


        [All the waste]-1 will be trucked *-1 along Provincial Highway 15.

        Rel: trucked
        Arg1: *-1
        Argm-dir: along Provincial Highway 15

Example: all args

        person: third,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: participle

        When boats were being loaded with plaster from the mill, he usually trucked the plaster from the mill to the boat.

        Argm-tmp: When boats were being loaded with plaster from the mill
        Arg0: he
        Argm-adv: usually
        Rel: trucked
        Arg1: the plaster
        Argm-dir: from the mill
        Argm-gol: to the boat