Predicate: tetramerize

Roleset id: tetramerize.01 , form a four-unit oligomer, Source: , vncls: , framnet:


tetramerize (v.)
tetramerise (v.)
tetramerization (n.)
tetramerisation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: agent of tetramerization
        Arg1-PPT: entity undergoing tetramerization
        Arg2-DIR: start state (if arg1 is inappropriate)
        Arg3-GOL: result, tetramer

Example: example with volitional agent

        For this purpose, we tetramerized a 235 bp HS1 sub-fragment called pHS1.

        Arg0: we
        Rel: tetramerized
        Arg1: a 235 bp HS1 sub-fragment called pHS1

Example: example with result

        Propene-terminated phthalonitrile (24) tetramerized into phthalocyanine (26) with good yield.

        Arg1: Propene-terminated phthalonitrile (24)
        Rel: tetramerized
        Arg3: into phthalocyanine (26)