Predicate: solder

Roleset id: solder.01 , solder, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

solder.01: SOLDER-V NOTES: hand-checked by Kevin. Member of VNcls tape-22.4. (from solder.01-v)


solder (v.)Attaching


        Arg0-PAG: agent, solderer (vnrole: 22.4-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: first thing soldered (vnrole: 22.4-Patient)
        Arg2-PPT: soldered to what (vnrole: 22.4-co-patient)
        Arg3-MNR: instrument, soldered with what (vnrole: 22.4-Instrument)

Example: from Google

        I simply soldered the other end of the wires to the unused pins in the ethernet jack.

        Arg0: I
        Argm-adv: simply
        Rel: soldered
        Arg1: the other end of the wires
        Arg2: to the unused pins in the ethernet jack