Predicate: skip

Roleset id: skip.01 , to miss, omit or avoid, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

skip.01: SKIP-V NOTES: No VNcls. (from skip.01-v) SKIP-N NOTES: Automatically created by Julia as an alias file for unification. (from skip.01-n)


skip (v.)Forgoing
skip (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: omiter, skipper
        Arg1-PPT: thing skipped

Example: skip-v: transitive with a purpose

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        [*-1] The son of a physicist , Mr. Hahn skipped first grade because his reading ability was so far above his classmates .

        Argm-prd: [*-1] The son of a physicist
        Arg0: Mr. Hahn
        Rel: skipped
        Arg1: first grade
        Argm-cau: because his reading ability was so far above his classmates

Example: skip-v: transitive

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        But [*-1] knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs , Mr. Brown skipped his stop in nearby Chicago and set course [*-1]to get his load -- a few hundred parcels -- to the Memphis package-sorting hub on time .

        Argm-dis: But
        Argm-prd: [*-1] knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs
        Arg0: Mr. Brown
        Rel: skipped
        Arg1: his stop in nearby Chicago

Example: skip-v: simply transitive

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: gerund

        One of the best deals , though , may mean [*] skipping Christmas dinner with the relatives .

        Arg0: [*]
        Rel: skipping
        Arg1: Christmas dinner with the relatives

Roleset id: skip.02 , to move lighly, to jump, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

skip.02: SKIP-V NOTES: Member of Vncls run-51.3.2. (from skip.02-v)


skip (v.)Self_motion


        Arg0-PPT: one in motion (vnrole: 51.3.2-2-Theme)

Example: skip-v: not from the corpus

        John was skipping in the playground.

        Arg0: John
        Rel: skipping
        Argm-loc: in the playground

Predicate: skip_off

Roleset id: skip_off.03 , to leave quickly, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

skip_off.03: SKIP_OFF-V NOTES: No Vncls. (from skip.03-v)


skip_off (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: one in motion

Example: skip_off-v: with direction

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        When their changes are completed, and after they have worked up a sweat , ringers often skip off to the local pub , [*-2] leaving worship for others below .

        Argm-tmp: When their changes are completed, and after they have worked up a sweat
        Arg0: ringers
        Argm-tmp: often
        Rel: [ skip] [ off]
        Argm-gol: to the local pub