Endless seconds wondering if those huge windows would buckle and shower us with glass.
        Arg0: those huge windows
        Argm-mod: would
        Rel: shower
        Arg1: us
        Arg2: with glass
Example: ARG0
        why ca n't you take quick shower ?
        Argm-cau: why
        Argm-mod: ca
        Argm-neg: n't
        Arg0: you
        Argm-lvb: take
        Argm-tmp: quick
        Rel: shower
        After years of drought, the clouds showered heavy rain
        Argm-tmp: After years of drought
        Arg0: the clouds
        Rel: showered
        Arg1: heavy rain
        Well, it "showered" on us all the way from Knoxville to Elizabethton.
        Argm-dis: Well
        Rel: showered
        Arg2: on us
        Argm-loc: all the way from Knoxville to Elizabethton
        He continually amazes me with His showering of love on my life.
        Arg0: His
        Rel: showering
        Arg1: of love
        Arg2: on my life.
Roleset id: shower.02 , party for a new mother or bride, etc, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
        So Russell is getting married in a month . Went to the wedding shower today . Also Adam seems to think Man got married . For real .