A Lorillard spokeswoman said "This is an old story."
Arg0: A Lorillard spokeswoman Rel: said Arg1: "This is an old story"
Example: Fronted
[Kent cigarettes were sold]-1, the company said *trace*-1
Arg0: the company Rel: said Arg1: *trace*-1
Example: Inverted
[What matters is what advertisers will pay]-1, said *trace*-1 Newsweek's chairman
Rel: said Arg1: *trace*-1 Arg0: Newsweek's chairman
Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2
On December 9 , the British firm Tesco said hello to consumers in Taiwan when it formally opened its clean , bright and spacious store .
Argm-tmp: On December 9 Arg0: the British firm Tesco Rel: said Arg1: hello Arg2: to consumers in Taiwan Argm-tmp: when it formally opened its clean , bright and spacious store
Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG3
Although Lee 's trip would seem to have been a shot in the arm for the deadlocked cross-strait relationship , it also generated a lot of speculation and ill will because neither Lee nor anyone who met with him was willing to say a word about the content of their discussions , and ROC officials who went to call on Lee at his hotel skulked around in underground walkways and service elevators to avoid journalists .
Arg0: neither Lee nor anyone who met with him Rel: say Arg1: a word Arg3: about the content of their discussions
Example: ARG1 and ARG3
But the truth is that objects said to attract money sell just as well in good times as bad , for when the economy is strong , people are willing to spend large sums to ensure that they can hold onto their wealth .