Predicate: rhyme
Roleset id: rhyme.01 , find/have a similar syllable nucleus, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
rhyme.01: RHYME-V NOTES: Frames file for 'rhyme' based on sentences in wsj. No access to Verbnet at the moment. (from rhyme.01-v predicate notes)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
rhyme (v.) | | |
Arg0-PAG: agent, discoverer of rhyme (vnrole: 22.2-2-1-Agent)
Arg1-PPT: first or all rhyming words (vnrole: 22.2-2-1-Patient)
Arg2-PPT: additional, if syntactically separate (vnrole: 22.2-2-1-co-patient)
Example: agentive
person: ns, tense: past, aspect: ns, voice: active, form: full
With loving detail she recalls her Uncle Gabe, an Orthodox Jew and song lyricist (who [*T*-1] rhymed river with liver in a love song); and Uncle Len, a mysterious part-time investigator who looked like Lincoln and carried a change of clothing in a Manila envelope, like an ``undercover President on a good-will mission.''
Arg0: [*T*-1]
ArgM-RCL: who -> an Orthodox Jew and song lyricist
Rel: rhymed
Arg1: river
Arg2: with liver
ArgM-LOC: in a love song
Example: unaccusative
person: third, tense: present, aspect: ns, voice: active, form: full
Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool.
Arg1: that
Rel: rhymes
Arg2: with P
Example: merged args
person: ns, tense: present, aspect: ns, voice: active, form: full
Do `orange' and 'door hinge' rhyme?
Arg1: `orange' and 'door hinge'
Rel: rhyme